How hilarious was “the wrong envelope” cock up at the
Oscars last Sunday?! It certainly provided us with yet another reason to
totally adore Ryan Gosling look here at his
highly-amused reaction when all around him were taking the blunder WAY too
Yes, there’s no doubt about it; the man is a god, and 100 Reasons to Love Ryan Gosling (£12.99, pb, 978
0859655019) published by Plexus provides plenty of scientifically
irrefutable evidence of exactly why he is so damn loveable. Packed with trivia,
jokes, and over 100 full-colour photos; you know you need it in your bookshop
now. Envelopegate also got me thinking about the many books that have featured
a misdelivered message – what about the moment in Tess of the D’Urbervilles
where Tess’s letter never reaches Angel – or Juliet’s message that tragically
never gets to Romeo?
And what about our very own French
Rhapsody by Antoine Laurain (pb, £8.99, 978 1910477380) published last autumn by Gallic
Press; where middle-aged doctor Alain Massoulier receives a life-changing
letter – thirty-three years too late. Lost in the Paris postal system for
decades, the letter offers a recording contract to his younger self in the days
when he played lead guitar in a band. Overcome by nostalgia, Alain is tempted
to track down the members of the group. But where could his quest possibly take
him? Both a modern fairytale and state-of-the-nation novel, French Rhapsody combines
Antoine Laurain’s signature charm and
whimsy with a searing critique of the state of contemporary France, and had
some superb reviews – “Beautifully written, superbly plotted and with a
brilliant twist at the end” said the Daily Mail. How about a Letters
and Envelopes book or window display?!

So, what better way to get those pesky ankle biters off
their screens than by suggesting they get their information from the excellent
new My First Encyclopaedia of… series
from Armadillo Books. My First Encyclopaedia
of Dinosaurs (978 1861478207), My First Encyclopaedia of Animals (978 1861478221)
My First Encyclopaedia of Birds (978 1861478214) and My
First Encyclopaedia of Bugs (978
1861478238) all by Matt Bugler are paperback, 24 page, giant (400 x 344mm) picture
books for 4-8 year olds and are the perfect introduction at a great price
(£6.99) for kids keen to find out more. In their supersized lightweight format,
the book can be read on the floor, held up by a teacher or parent to show and
share with a group, and enjoyed by all children whether alone or with others.
Thematic spreads and beautiful large illustrations by expert natural history
artists are full of incredible accuracy and detail – thanks for a super display
of these My First Encyclopaedia books at
the Victoria Bookshop in Haverford West which you can see here!
Staying with children’s books for a moment, Lotte Moore is an
80-year-old writer on a mission. During the war, having been evacuated, and
then at school, Lotte often found herself feeling lonely and turned to writing
to express her feelings of isolation. Lotte's War tells the story of one 5-year-old girl's experiences
living in Britain during the Second World War, a time of hardship, heroism and
hope. As a child, Lotte may not have been fully aware of the dangers and
struggles around her, but her memories of rationing, evacuation, barrage
balloons, bombing, blackouts and bunkers give an incredible insight into life
during wartime Britain. Lotte's War shows what children did, how they survived rationing,
how they coped as evacuees, and what they felt about the war. Lotte talks about
the bravery shown by people and the amazing friendships that she made and
shares her memories of an incredible life with today's young generation, so
they can experience a unique view of Britain through the eyes of a child in
World War II. “A wonderful piece of social history, and memoir, which would
be of great interest to children and adults alike. There is a gaiety and
lightness of touch which leavens, but does not romanticize, the dark realities
of a nation at war. Beautiful drawings and photographs adorn this treasure of a
book … one feels richer for reading it.” said one reviewer. Lotte’s War (£5.99,
pb, 978 1911331575) is published by Urbane.
Should a book be “readable” or should it be good? Can it
be both? Ben Roth has written a really thought-provoking essay here where
he argues that “Readable, like “drinkable,” seems almost an insult: this
book isn’t good, but you’ll be able to finish it. Readable books are full
of familiar characters, familiar plots, and most especially familiar
sentences. They are built up out of constituent commonplaces and clichés
that one only has to skim in order to process. A little bit literary,
perhaps, but not too literary. To praise a book as readable is really
just to say that you won’t have to add it your shelf with the bookmark having
migrated only halfway through its leaves … “Readable” has become the chosen
term of praise in our times precisely because so many of us find ourselves
unable to concentrate as we once could or still aspire to.”
Happy Birthday Michael Schmitt, who
celebrated his 70th birthday yesterday! Michael is founder and MD of Carcanet
as well as also being a poet, scholar, critic and translator, general editor of
PN Review and one of our absolutely favourite people! Many happy returns
Michael – here is a poem from Richard Wilbur in celebration!
Blow out the candles of your cake.
They will not leave you in the dark,
Who round with grace this dusky arc
Of the grand tour which souls must take.
They will not leave you in the dark,
Who round with grace this dusky arc
Of the grand tour which souls must take.
You who have sounded William Blake,
And the still pool, to Plato's mark,
Blow out the candles of your cake.
They will not leave you in the dark.
And the still pool, to Plato's mark,
Blow out the candles of your cake.
They will not leave you in the dark.
Yet, for your friends' benighted sake,
Detain your upward-flying spark;
Get us that wish, though like the lark
You whet your wings till dawn shall break:
Blow out the candles of your cake.
Detain your upward-flying spark;
Get us that wish, though like the lark
You whet your wings till dawn shall break:
Blow out the candles of your cake.
I think we all know, that in truth, we all have far too
much stuff. As author Kozo Yamamura writes: “Doubt has already been growing among the
public about the wisdom of buying and owning a plethora of possessions that
clutter our lives” and he argues persuasively that “what we need is a
tax on luxuries to help protect the environment by reducing the use of
resources to produce the goods and services, which by most rational standards,
are far from necessary.” There has just been a big piece on Yamamura’s new book Too Much Stuff: Capitalism in Crisis in the Independent,
which you can read here.
In it, Yamamura argues that “despite
widening gaps in income and wealth distribution and rising unemployment, the
majority of people seem to enjoy the highest standard of living known in human
history. What is needed in the 21st century is a dynamic systemic change
of capitalism. It will be a daunting undertaking but to fail to make it
would be a grave folly.”
Very sadly indeed, Kozo
Yamamura has just died after being
ill for a while – you can read a memoriam for him from the University of
Washington here.
Yamamura was a world-class
scholar and amazingly prolific, writing or editing more than 20 books and
scores of articles on the Japanese economy and its history, and on the nature
of capitalism. Too Much Stuff: Capitalism in Crisis (hb,
978 1447335658, £19.99) has just been published by Policy Press.
While we’re on the subject of politics; ever since the
Brexit referendum in the UK and Donald Trump’s election in the US, the
publishing industries of those and other countries have reacted primarily
along the liberal lines common to the literary workplace. This week though, a
different voice. MD of Biteback, bookseller and radio show host Iain Dale says, “I
can’t stand Donald Trump,’ but that the book business response overlooks
something: Controversy is always good for publishing.” Iain feels strongly
that “it’s not healthy when left-wing book buyers in bookshops subliminally
censor what the book buying public is allowed to read.” Read the whole
piece here
and see if you agree with his views!
Alternatively; you may well enjoy this
piece from the New York Times; a most interesting article about how
bookshops in the US are encouraging resistance to Trump with action, not just
words. “A lot of people are saying, ‘We’ve turned our store over to the
revolution,” said Hannah Oliver Depp, the operations manager for Word,
which has bookstores in New Jersey and New York. “I do think that it is
going to fundamentally change bookstores and book selling.”
Talking of bookshops over the pond, we very much enjoy
hearing about our authors promoting their books in bookshops far and wide. This
month we’ve loved photos of two very different authors touring on opposite
sides of the world!
Firstly, that Mexican master of satirical humour Juan Pablo Villalobos has
been touring cities in America (NYC, DC, SF, LA – doncha love the way you can
turn all these capital cities into capital letters!) to promote I’ll Sell You a Dog (978
1908276742, £10.00, pb) published by And Other Stories.
And secondly, Polygon award-winning Malachy Tallack us
currently touring Australia to introduce his gorgeous illustrated title The Un-Discovered Islands: An Archipelago of Myths and
Mysteries, Phantoms and Fakes which was the recent winner of the Edward Stanford Illustrated Travel Book of the Year.
Malachy was last sighted at the beautiful
Berkelouw Mona Vale Bookshop in Sydney – the largest and oldest bookshop
in Australia – two days ago! He’s certainly a very long way from his
home in Shetland!
And finally – here’s a fun idea! Vikki Reilly and Kristian Kerr have done something a little special as part of Birlinn’s
25th anniversary year celebrations. They’ve created a brilliant 45-minute
podcast, entitled A Hitch-hiker’s Guide to Scottish
Literature. In each episode, they’ll talk about a particular
text, whether a novel, a collection of poetry, a play or classic non-fiction.
They chat about its themes, context and their own responses while also
interviewing writers, including performances, and there’s always a segment
celebrating the Birlinn list, on works that connect with the main
subject of the episode. What a great plan! You can listen to the January
episode (which celebrates Burns) here
and the February one here
which I’ll talk more about next week!
Compass is on Twitter! Follow us
@CompassIPS. This week we bring you some words of wisdom from @JennieBrownBooks
at the Society of Young Publishers @SYP_UK who are having a conference in
Edinburgh this week.
A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.
After the recession, the book work is now full of optimism.
Bookshop figures are looking up.
Network, build connections, move around, talk about books,
work in London, work abroad, be persistent, never give up!
Publishers should travel more to meet authors and make an
effort to connect. Especially those based in LDN.
Important to remember: you're a debut author only once and
bad debut sales can break a career.
Launching a debut with tiny budgets can be done. You need
creativity and a clear strategy.
Publishers should involve authors more in the publishing
process and to show genuine enthusiasm for their work.
Our industry is uniquely vibrant. We have almost 50
literary festivals in the UK. The most in the world per country.
Don't leave authors on their own on publication day. Send
cards, flowers, etc. Make them feel valued.
Writers, on average earn 12k a year. Less than a publishing
Final plea: never publish a book with the word "the
girl" in the title.
That’s all for now folks! More next
This blog is taken from a newsletter which is sent weekly to over 700 booksellers as
well as publishers and publicists. If you would like to order any of the titles
mentioned, then please talk to your Compass Sales Manager, or call the office
on 020 8326 5696.
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